Fox Metro Tour Group Safety Information and Expectations Thank you for your interest in a tour of Fox Metro Water Reclamation District’s Wastewater Treatment Plant! We hope that your group finds the tour fun and educational. Keep in mind that…
Dentists All dental practices nationwide must complete and return this form to their respective wastewater facilities. Compliance Report for Dental Dischargers (Adobe PDF) Return signed copy to Fox Metro within 90 days of first discharge to Fox Metro’s system. Facilities…
Household Hazardous Waste What is Household Hazardous Waste? The term “hazardous waste” sounds both evil and frightening. It should. Hazardous waste can catch fire, be poisonous, eat away at skin and materials, cause cancer, and do many other nasty things.
Pollution Prevention And Related Useful Links Information on this page has been provided to Fox Metro through the courtesy of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency – Maywood Office; and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Waste Management & Research Center…
Discharge Limits & Levels Found in Fox Metro Ordinance #864 The following is a general listing of various categories of wastewater discharge limits and levels found in Fox Metro Water Reclamation District Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Ordinance #864 (Ordinance #864). It…